Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It was an accident Mommy!

ARGH! So I'm enjoying some peace and quiet time at the computer while the boys were playing in the toy room when Connor comes running in saying, "It was an accident Mommy!"

Immediately I start quizzing him, "Did you go potty in your pants?"
"Did you spill food or water?"
"No, it was an accident in the toy room," Connor insists.

So I walk into the toy room to find that the curtains have all been pulled off the wall. He even managed to pull the brackets off the wall. Apparently he wanted a game on one of the higher shelves so he climbed on the chair and used the curtains to pull himself up higher!

I'm so angry that I put him immediately in time out in his room (more to keep him out of harms way than as punishment ;) )

Now every minute I get to hear, "Mommy, can I come out now?"

I tried to talk to him about what he did and he just keeps saying, "But Mommy it was an accident and I apologized so it's okay!"

So I have to amend this post to add Jake's comments. When I finally pulled Connor out of time-out and was talking to him about the correct way to get down our toys, Jake said, "Yeah, now Daddy will have to fix it. He's the master of fixing everything at this house." Ummm, hello? Is Jake talking about the same guy I'm thinking of?

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