Thursday, September 27, 2007

How things work in Connor's mind

So I'll premise this by saying that Connor is going to see an ENT because he has "enormous tonsils" according to his Pediatrician. Apparently these enormous tonsils are causing him to sleep poorly at night and snore like a freight train. On Tuesday we had the appointment with the ENT but Connor couldn't really figure out why he was going to see a doctor because he didn't feel sick.

Connor: Mommy, where are we going?
Mommy: I'm taking you to go see the doctor.
Connor: Why? My not sick. Nicholas go see doctor.
Mommy: Well your going to see a special doctor that will help you sleep better at night.
Connor: Ohhhhh, this doctor get rid of my bad dreams.
Mommy: Are you having bad dreams at night?
Connor: No, doctor get rid of bad dreams.

Ummm... okay Connor. Whatever gets you through it.

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