Friday, March 11, 2011

Cub Scouts Big Trip - USS Yorktown

The Cub Scout trip this year was in Charleston, SC. The boys went and stayed on the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier. The men and boys all stayed in one room with bunks 4 high. No problem for the kiddos, but the guys were not so excited! I ended up having to go on the trip because Rob had a meeting that he couldn't miss, so he flew in on Friday night. The women stayed in the Officer's cabins, but let me tell you this was no Holiday Inn. It wasn't even a Motel 8. I've had better accomadations when I went camping. Anyway, the boys were over the moon about the trip and had a great time. It has become know as the "Cub Scout Puke Trip" since we had so many boys get sick on the trip. (Yes, Connor was one of them on Sunday.) Anyway, Rob and I sucked it up for the boys but... never again, I want a hotel room.

Above: The USS Yorktown (3 1/2 Football Fields Long!)

Above: Jake in front of "Big Eddy" at the Columbia Children's Museum

Above: Connor in front of the airplanes on the hanger deck.

Above: We had to get off that ship! So we headed into downtown Charlestown where the boys found fountain to play in.

Above: The boys loved all the airplanes on the flight deck.

Above: Yes, yes they did fight over who was Admiral and who was Captain. Can you guess who won?

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