On Saturday Jake and Connor started soccer. This is Jake's 3rd season and Connor's 1st. Jake has finally got the hang of it now and while we were practicing at home he would get so excited and say, "Mommy, this is it. I know I'm going to score a goal this season!" He was so cute and practiced so hard and listened to everything we would tell him.

So Jake and Connor are on the Silver Gorillas team and two of Connor's classmates, Whitney and Maya, are on the team. Well every time Connor sees them at practice or a game they run off together and start playing... never mind about soccer. Apparently Connor is quite the Casanova in class and these two girls are always talking about him!
The first game was very exciting and both boys played quite a bit as we had several players out. Jake did amazing and really got in there and took the ball from the other team and worked hard to turn it around and head to his goal. He scored 3 times during the game and was so excited about it. We are so proud of how well he's doing this season. Connor got hungry half way through the game and wanted to quit and go get a chicken biscuit that they sell at the concession stand. Check out the picture of him just sitting on the field while everyone else is playing!

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